i. Goals

  1. Final Goals(What is ultimate goal of this project) 1-2 sentence.

    Open Gem NFT service on Titan Reward current Tokamak Network contributors with a free NFT.

ii. Output Overview (Team & Personal)

  1. (Team) Expected outputs description(Last Quarter’s goal for this Quarter, if any).
  2. (Team) Actual outputs description.
  3. (Personal) Actual outputs description > Attach or Link the Monthly & Weekly Report_Dev Performance


  1. (Team) Gap : Actual - Expected(+, over achieving)(-, under achieving).

    Ryan - Expected. neutral achieving

    Dylan - Expected. neutral achieving

    Mehdi - Expected. neutral achieving

    Ankul - Expected. neutral achieving

  2. (Team) Reason why of each over/under.

    Ryan - Stuck to the goals and expected output. Trying to figure out the project as we go makes it challenging.

    Dylan - Same here. aside from building as we go, Dylan has done a great job staying on top of developmental needs and benchmarking the front end.

    Mehdi - For recently joining the project, Mehdi is getting familiar with contract needs fairly quickly.

    Ankul - Same for Ankul, recently joining the project, Ankul is getting familiar with contract needs fairly quickly.

iii. Outputs and Achievements details, Challenges and Lessons learned

  1. Challenges

    The #1 challenge we have faced is not having the contract/service logic in place before designing and developing. We’ve had to update or pivot from initial ideas based on contract or backend limitations. Project Opal could still benefit greatly from a dedicated project manager with a strong knowledge in NFT Marketplaces.

  2. Lessons learned.

    Sometimes it’s best to just try and test different ideas and designs. This usually stirs up conversation and helps us identify what needs improvement or helps us come up with different ideas.

  3. What are you going to do to prevent similar challenges? Any policy or system is prepared/agreed within the team for more productivity?

    We’ve set up an additional Team Collaboration meeting every week to closely work together on all aspects of development - Contract, Design and Service. We need more alignment on the direction for the project. Which is why a project manager would be helpful.

  4. Expected output description for next Quarter.

  5. Easy to understand even outside of team and typical community participant(non-technical persons).

iv. Budget request

  1. (this quarter) Previous budget requested.

    Approved budget = 4,000 TON

    TOTAL: 4,000 TON

  2. (next quarter) Next budget request.

    Q3 will be a lot busier with Contract Development, Front End and Design + more output from more team members.

TOTAL: 10,000 TON