Tokamak Grant focuses on strengthening Tokamak Network's foundations and enabling future builders: improving infrastructure, expanding the range of tools available to those building on Tokamak Network, deepening our understanding of cryptographic primitives, and growing the builder ecosystem through education and community development. The work we support is open source, non-commercial and built for positive sum outcomes.
Tokamak support is generally directed toward enabling builders rather than end-users: strengthening Tokamak Network's infrastructure, expanding the range of tools available to those building on Tokamak Network, gaining a deeper understanding of cryptographic primitives, and growing the builder ecosystem through education and community development.
Supporting builders
Tokamak Grant funding is generally directed toward supporting builders rather than directly impacting end users. We don't often fund dapps or front-end platforms, although this is not a hard rule and there are exceptions - for example, where an application serves as a research or educational tool, or a reference implementation of a new standard.
Our grantees come from all over the world and represent many different backgrounds, disciplines and levels of experience. We have supported individuals and teams of all kinds - companies, DAOs, nonprofits, institutions, academics, developers, educators, community organizers and more.
When we say "grants", we're referring to direct funding awarded following a formal application, review, and a decision made by the GranTON team with input from technical advisors.
Grants are not donations, nor do we expect financial return. We give grants to support recipients in building things that are vital to Tokamak Network's success without the need to commercialize their work, so that these resources remain free and open to all.
There are several different ways we go about awarding funds: